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·ELMO-F 2BV、2BE1、2BE3、2BK、2BG等系列液环真空泵/压缩机和2BW系列机组。
·ELMO-G 2BH1、2BH7等系列气环真空泵/压缩机
·NASH CL、AT、TC、SC、904等系列液环真空泵/压缩机。
  吸气压力:1~101.3kPa abs.
  压缩压力:101.3~1300kPa abs.



nash_elmo is the latest chapter in a 200 year history of vacuum technology.  elmo vacuum technology GmbH, formerly a division of Siemens AG, Germany and Nash Engineering Company, USA merged in March 2002. With the combination of these two industry leaders, nash_elmo has established a company that will provide you with more innovations unsurpassed quality and optimized system solutions. Our combined process know-how, experience, advanced product technology, first class engineering solutions and global service network are your guarantee of excellence.

Siemens Vacuum Pump an Compressor Company Ltd. (SVPC) was established in April 1996 and has since evolved to be the leader in the vacuum industry in China and a strong exporter of vacuum pumps and compressors in the global market. SVPC has a solid reputation in numerous industrial fields as trustworthy partner with high quality products and excellent total process services.

SVPC changed it’s name to nash_elmo Industries China Ltd. on Oct.25,2002 and is the only production center in Asia-Pacific Region specializing in Liquid/Gas Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors and related systems.

nash_elmo Industries China Ltd. has a continuous program of research and development. Direct links to our headquarters in the USA and Germany ensure that the latest technology is incorporated in our products, setting the standard in the vacuum industry.

nash_elmo Industries China Ltd. has a new name and a 200 year tradition, We won’t sell our future for quick profits, we never have. We pursue product excellence and service perfection. Our highest aim is to satisfy your demands and expectations.

No matter what you need, application consultation or engineering, our experienced process engineers are ready to get the solution you need up and running to meet your timetable.

nash_elmo service is available nationwide, our factory trained engineers operate a quick response program, your call is actioned as soon as it comes in.

Our Service Center Hot-line is (0533) 4652266.

Copyright@ 2003-2025  纳西姆工业(中国)有限公司(原西门子真空泵压缩机有限公司)版权所有